Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Eva Longoria: Drinks 3 liters of water a day. You should drink “half your body weight in ounces each day,” recommends nutritionist Sophie Pachella.

Ryan Seacrest
: Eats fish. Here are some suggestions: salmon, sardines or mackerel – but if you’re not into fish, try tilapia, which has a mild flavor, or take Omega-3 fish oil supplements.

Fergie: Swallows 2 tablespoons of vinegar after each meal (ick). Nutritionist’s suggestion: “Vinegar appears to slow down the rate of foods emptying from the stomach,” Pachella explains, “but it certainly doesn’t taste good by itself. Instead, I recommend a salad with olive oil, vinegar, herbs and spices with your meal.”

Katherine Heigl: Eat small meals throughout the day. “Every time you eat, your body burns calories,” says Pachella. “So eating every two hours or so keeps your body working – and burning.”

Kelly Osbourne: No more alcohol. “Drinking alcohol is like eating sugar with a spoon,” says Pachella.

Alicia Silverstone: Go veggie. “Brighter colors are better,” says Pachella, who recommends red cabbage, red peppers, squash, pumpkin, dark leafy greens and tomatoes.

Gwyneth Paltrow: Drink green tea. “If you’re drinking green tea, you’re nailing three healthy habits at once: You’re not snacking, you’re getting antioxidants and you’re adding water to your diet,” Pachella says.

Kirstie Alley: Sugar free snacking. “If you’re looking to lose weight, sugar-free snacks can make a difference,” says Pachella. “It’s a way to indulge in ‘mindless munching’ minus the damage.”

Jennifer Aniston: Try Budoken: “Yoga and martial arts are simply an external expression of one’s internal being,” Shayne has said. “Therefore, by better organizing the way a person moves, we serve to better organize the way that person thinks and lives.”



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